What is CP Coffee Academy?

Are you looking at acquiring coffee skills and knowledge to meet the current market demand? Advancing your career to the next better level! An investment in the coffee business industry!

CP Coffee Academy provides specialty coffee education and exchange through our, innovative resources and engaging barista coffee classes. Our team is a force of professional and experienced trainers who will support you throughout until you learn all areas of the coffee world which have also helped over million unique coffee Professionals in the industry.

Each of the barista course, a learner completes includes an assessment that gives learners the chance to earn a certification and they can choose to make their certifications publicly visible. This helps to strengthen a CV for a career as a far-reaching proof that they are professional baristas and Coffee Podium reputation as researchers and barista course providers should provide that credibility to anyone looking to pursue a career as a coffee professional.

We organize free events, open days, and Jam Sessions where we do Barista practice, cuppings offering time for those who want to continue practicing.

Our Vision;

To revel coffee more informative and accessible with passion, Knowledge, and Skills

Our Goals;

To provide and equip the coffee community with proper coffee knowledge and skills, through training, to equip Baristas confidence required in the coffee industry.

Also, with extremely efficient and valuable coffee tips, we would simply give advice to Baristas on how to increase earnings out of coffee, based on the latest trend of the region and global standards.

Loyalty Programs

We organize free events, open days, and Jam Sessions where we do machine practice, cupping, and experiments and offer a lot of time for those who want to continue practicing their skills with the available trainers.

For barista skills training, Latteart skills, Brewing skills, coffee training academy and coffee machines and consultancy